Monday, September 13, 2010

Q is for Quotes

I used to keep a journal of my favourite know, bits of songs, speeches, books that I loved. Inspirational stuff to remind me of the things I believe in the most, challenges to overcome, dreams to keep dreaming, that kind of thing. My love of typography may come from that, and there is no shortage of beautifully designed prints available with simple messages that speak to me, in one way or another.

My all time favourites...

I am sure you all have your own favourites, but maybe something here might just catch your attention and you can add it to your own list of inspirations.

1 comment:

  1. oh i'm a big quote lover. this is a gorgeous collection here. my favoritee (and never seen before) is "the trick is to keep breathing". hilarious! yay for quote posters!!


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